Storyboarding for Games

Medieval 2: Total War General Rules In Medieval 2: Total War, the main objective is to basically conquer the Realm. Take lands that you want and destroy who you want in order to advance your own goals. Characters In this game you have multiple choices of Factions. I am using Sicily for example, as I…

Planning our creative and technical model using high to low poly model

The first steps to the project we have to plan it and follow these steps in order to make a really successive model. 1. Gather reference images 2. Concept sketches 3. Final concept sketches 4. If realism use accurate reference photos 5. Annotate drawings or images 6. Bring image planes into models 7. Low poly…

Story Elements

Return of the Jedi   At the beginning of the movie, Luke the character realizes that his home is with his friends. The spot happens to be at Jabba the Hutts Palace. Where Luke is reunited with the whole crew and then they all work together to defeat Jabba. Luke then goes to visit Yoda…

First Steps to the Visual FX Project

Even with only 2 people we are managing to move ahead in our tasks, Me and Connor have now signed a contract to say we are wholly committed to this project. So let it begin, now then first thing we decided to do was the storyboard, where we look at what camera angles we wanted…

Learning how to Bake in Substance Painter

In our lesson today, we learned how to bake in Substance Painter by Allogrethmic First Step The First step, we had to make a new project and make the resolutions 2048 to enable process for a nice High Texture for the Low Poly model. Then I also can provide colours but for this I am…

An Imagined World / VFX Project

I have put my name down for a part in a Visual FX Project which I will hopefully be excelling in. The project is being managed wholly upon a site called which is very useful and helpful to that much. I have starting using it for personal projects. Coordinating my project currently for my…

Learning about Substance Painter!

Hello ladies and gents, I’M BACK! Last year I had done a good year time to put my foot down and absolutely do my best for this year and do my best. Now then back to the point, I have started to learn about Substance Painter a software dedicated to Texturing for models etc! Something…

Story boarding

0Long shots/ Establishing shots This is a long shot from the storyboard of Star Wars: Empire strikes back Its a Establishing shot which demonstrates whats going on where it is and how its going to end. As you can see the Hero in this scene is Luke and he is blade locked with the Villain…