Viking Diorama Progression #2

Alright continuing on from the last Progression, I have finally started to develop my skills in Rock Formations, I have also started beginning to make a Diorama stage as I am certain I want to have a basic standing on where I’m at. In the Diorama, and I gotta say it looks brilliant. I am certainly liking how its been set up etc.

As its structured to how a Warrior has just placed it on the rocks to go rest or simply walk to Valhalla. I also believe that the Structure of the Island styled diorama, has good structure considering its integrity and temporarily. As I plan to have Yggdrasil to go through the ground and make its roots come out in time.

So what I’ve done is I have already installed the Rock Formations and added a few of my own work aka the Axe and the Shield which is one of the Viking Weapons I had created for my Viking Diorama. I am quite happy with the design and placement of the Equipment. I will be adding a Tree in time, I just have to master the art of doing Tree work etc.

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